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 ✔ Fabriqué exclusivement à partir d'ingrédients naturels de qualité humaine.

Viande de bœuf 40 %, fruits et légumes 20 %, 
estomacs de bœuf 15 %, os de bœuf 10 %, foie de bœuf 10 %, poumons de bœuf 5 %.


Menu complet au boeuf en 10 x 1kg

  • Protéine brute: 14,5%,

    Humidité: 69%,
    Cendre brute: 2%,

    Teneur en matières grasses: 13%,

    Calcium: 5%.


For payment  of your order, you can select Paypal payment to pay with your Paypal account, follow the procedure, then before confirming you can either pay by paypal or also by credit card.
For payment at collection in Le Cannet or at the collection points provided at the exits of the A8, you can pay by all legal means:
in cash, by check, by bank card 

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